Friday, August 31, 2007

Summer's About Over

Well the kids are back in school so our house has gone from 4 kids at home to 2 kids at home and mom's house has gone all the way down to zero kids at home!

So we're well into the 2nd official week of school now and Jack is still adjusting to it becuase he does whine a little when the kids leave in the morning. Gone are the lazy days of going down to the river and splashing in the cool water where it's shallow enough for Jack to lay in the water and watching the kids marvel at the river rocks in their many shapes and colors. On now to days of learning and inquisitive minds asking questions and thinking ahead to the cool air the Fall will bring as the trees prepare to let their withered leaves fall. Gone are the collections of pebbles and soon to come are the collections of "crispy" leaves as my daughter calls them.
Soon Jack's new haircut will begin growing back to it's longer length for the winter and I might just have to get him a sweater too. Ahhh....Summer is about over.
So where is our creative focus at Jack and Journey now you ask??
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oh and the kids just started Soccer season!
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