Thursday, October 4, 2007

Inspiration strikes and I choose the path less travelled...

In the course of our journeys so many of us find ourselves choosing the well worn path of doing what we feel we "should" do...I have decided to let my creativity flow like a quiet steam, at times full to the point of flooding and other times like a trickle over dry river rock struggling to maintain the flow. The great many twists and turn enchant me as I realize that though I've seen these parts before, my water is new, cooled by the crisp autumn air and ready to carry the fallen leaves to destinations unknown. These days the path less travelled is that of allowing creativity to be my guide and not doing what I "should" but living in each moment and creating beautiful things meant to be enjoyed both by she who creates them and those to whom they find their way. I feel blessed to allow myself to create as the inspiration strikes and to indulge some of my own fantasies of creating things both whimsical and beautiful full of both form and function. I can't wait to share with you the joy in creating something we are both sure to love!
Watch this page for my customs and orders in progress.

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